New service adding trains between New Haven, Hartford and Springfield
Your trip just got FASTER. Your world just got BIGGER. And, your commute just got EASIER.
The Hartford Line provides Connecticut travelers with fast, convenient and reliable regional passenger rail service throughout the I-91 corridor, with connections to other regional rail services. Ideal for traveling throughout Connecticut, or taking connecting services on to New York or Massachusetts, the Hartford Line offers a dependable, affordable alternative for getting to school, work, concerts, sporting events and one of the Northeast’s busiest airports—Bradley International Airport.
The new service adds trains between New Haven, Hartford and Springfield, and will operate at speeds up to 110 mph, with an average travel time of 81 minutes between New Haven and Springfield. The extended passenger service also offers stops in Wallingford, Meriden, Berlin, Windsor and Windsor Locks.
Your choices just got GREATER.
The Hartford Line is a new regional passenger rail service developed through a partnership between the Connecticut Department of Transportation (CTDOT), CTrail and Amtrak. CTDOT is providing the new rail travel option which consists of Amtrak and CTrail trains operated by a service provider chosen by CTDOT—a joint venture of TransitAmerica Services and Alternate Concepts (TASI/ACI). In addition to more rail service within the I-91 corridor, the program includes significant infrastructure improvements to make the service safe, reliable, convenient and comfortable.