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Surveys on Next Generation of CTrail Cars Completed

The Connecticut Department of Transportation (CTDOT) has completed two public surveys to gain public input for the procurement of the next generation of rail cars for the state’s passenger rail system. Together the surveys generated nearly 1,300 responses and provided CTDOT with a clear vision of amenities to prioritize as the procurement process moves forward.

The surveys sought public feedback on key customer amenities for the coach interiors and helped launched a public lottery to select ten participants for a Customer Advisory Panel (CAP), representing a cross-section of all rail lines serving the state as well as four advocates representing disability rights organizations, bicyclists, pedestrians and the Connecticut Rail Commuter Council.

Results from both surveys reflect input from a customer base with diverse needs and preferences, yet many shared priorities. Read more of the survey’s findings in the CTDOT’s official press release, here.




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